About Industries
Countries are in a race to combat illiteracy and honor everyone’s universal right to education, which is apparent in the increased investments in schools, colleges and universities. In the middle east, UAE in particular, the country’s leadership believe in developing the local talents and upskilling them to better serve their country; hence, tremendous efforts have been made to attract some of the most prominent names in education from across the globe specially USA, United Kingdom, France and Australia and sponsoring local talent to obtain higher education.
We have witnessed over years the application of innovative methodologies to improve the teaching and educational techniques to facilitate the learning process and optimize value to the students.
Keeping up with technological advancements and adapting the syllabus to be contemporary and relevant has formed a significant challenge to the education sector both operationally and financially, yet presenting bigger opportunities for better and more innovative education. These modern techniques have given rise to a whole suite of entrepreneurial success stories and some of the today’s most impressive inventions.
At RISKTAL, not only do we advocate education and aim to have our practice as learning grounds for new talents to equip them with better business practices and provide them with mentoring by experienced professionals; we would also seek to partner with you and tailor our expertise to assist you in your journey of education through a suite of our specialized services targeted at the education sector:
- Strategic planning and performance optimization
- Innovation and creativity solutions.
- Development and/or review of policies and procedures manuals.
- Excellence awards and happiness advisory.
- Forensic data analysis.
- Fraud and corruption prevention services.
- Internal audit services.
- Risk management solutions.
- Business continuity planning.
- Major programs advisory.
- Government procurement probity services.
- RISKTAL digital solutions.
- Professional training and awareness campaigns.