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Major Programs
Advisory Services

Major Programs
Advisory Services

Organizations go through substantial amounts of enterprise level transformations which are normally executed through change programs, in order to;

  • Execute corporate strategy.
  • Explore new business opportunities.
  • Restructure the organization for efficiency and effectiveness or cost reduction.
  • Comply with regulatory and compliance initiatives.

These Programs can be complex, commit a large number of resources, are expensive and have a large impact across the organization. Any failure can result in:

  • Financial and resource implications.
  • Negative media and shareholder reaction.
  • Impact on share price and financial market perception or public sector policy delivery.
  • Failure to deliver strategic objectives and benefits originally intended.
  • Senior management accountable for programs are under increasing pressure to ensure their successful delivery and provide confidence to stakeholders.

Boards need sufficient oversight, understanding and visibility over these programs to enable them to make decisions based on accurate information.

Independent program assurance can provide greater confidence to stakeholders. Such independent oversight increases the probability of successful delivery and achievability of the programs’ intended benefits.


How can
help you

RISKTAL's program advisory solutions are designed to be flexible, scalable and are based on a risk based approach focusing only on the major risks which impede program success through

  • Enterprise program management framework.
  • Program risk assessment.
  • Portfolio risk assessment.
  • Independent assessment of program management.
  • Health checks.
  • Reporting optimization.
  • Program delivery framework.
  • Internal audit.
  • Health checks.
  • Data analytics.
  • Potential fraud and corruption investigations.
  • Supply chain services.
  • Reporting optimization.
  • Technology optimization.
  • Technical solution risk assessment.
  • Technology advisory.
  • Contracts compliance.
  • Cost recovery services.
  • Data analytics.
  • E
    27 Jul