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Human Capital
Advisory Services

Human Capital
Advisory Services

Despite the progressive reliance on technology, having the right people is integral to the success of any organization. It has become more difficult for organizations to recruit and retain good talent, pressured by the need to manage costs, the rapid changes in the business environment, demographics and the type of talent needed to cope with these changes.

The regulatory environment around managing and protecting human capital are rapidly evolving and vary in their complexity and sophistication across different territories. In recent years, many countries have increased their investment in national human resources, giving rise to nationalization campaigns (for example: Emiratization in UAE, Saudization in KSA and Qatarization in Qatar) that aim at developing the capabilities of national resources and providing them with employment opportunities.

Similar to any other investment, smart and adequate investment in people paves the road to unleash their potential and optimize their contribution to organizations’ value chain.

When looking at the people in your organization, ask yourself:

  • Do we have the right number of people?
  • Are we attracting and retaining the right talent?
  • Are the people operating at their optimum potential?
  • Are the people operating in the best interest of the organization?
  • Are we contributing to the nationalization initiatives?
  • Are we compliant with the regulatory requirements?

How can
help you

At RISKTAL we firmly believe in the value of investing in the right people to achieve the desired results, hence we can help you through

  • Human capital needs analysis.
  • Policies and procedures.
  • Job description articulation.
  • Succession planning.
  • Recruitment assessment solutions.
  • Talent development.
  • Leadership and coaching.
  • Talent motivation and optimization solutions.
  • Performance management.
  • Referrals and placements.
  • Benchmarking.
  • Compensation and benefits advisory.
  • National talent development.
  • Assessment of nationalization development processes.
  • Training and awareness.
  • Independent assessment processes.
  • Regulatory compliance framework.
  • Regulatory compliance audits.
  • Process improvement advisory.
  • Technology optimization solutions.
  • Misconduct investigations.
  • Analytics.
  • E
    13 Feb