Governance and
Regulatory Compliance

Governance and
Regulatory Compliance
High paced and dynamic environment fueled by technological advancement and digital revolution, presented today’s organizations with opportunities to grow rapidly beyond borders, operate in multiple geographical locations and tap into new markets and customers.
With the rapid growth, shift in the operating landscape and emergence of complex organizational structures, the regulatory environment is attempting to keep up with these changes; hence, the continuously evolving laws and regulations, that drive a need for stringent compliance.
Public sector organizations are in the same boat, as they are in a race to adapt the regulatory requirements, ensure that they are complied with alongside managing their own compliance requirements, while creating value to the country, leadership and the people.
Private sector listed companies’ boards of directors have a legal responsibility to create value for the shareholders and operate in their best interest.Consequently, the board and its committees’ have responsibilities to ensure that corporate governance standards are adhered to and that all regulatory requirements are complied with and that business risks are effectively managed.
Family businesses have progressively been growing and have a major impact on the economy of many countries in the MENA region for example and solid corporate governance has become a necessity to better manage the stakeholders and create value to the owners.
How can
help you
At RISKTAL we believe that in order for organizations to be agile and the boards more effective in discharging their responsibilities in complex environments, a strong focus and support to better corporate governance need to be in place.
RISKTAL can help you in this journey through:
- Board composition advisory.
- Develop corporate governance framework and manual.
- Board and committees assessment.
- Develop compliance policy and framework.
- Design and establish the compliance function.
- Independent assessment of the compliance function.
- Design compliance intelligence dashboards and reporting packs.
- Independent compliance reviews.
- Assess AML system.
- Design AML intelligence dashboards and reporting packs.
- AML investigations.
- SOX Section 404 readiness assessment.
- Risk based processes documentation.
- Internal control testing.
- Independent assessment of SOX compliance function/activities.